Saturday, March 17, 2012

Trusting in Him

Trust. What is it? It is the reliance, the firm belief of someone or something, the willingness to act on the basis of the words, actions, and decisions of another.
The ability to trust is in each and everyone of us, it can take a lifetime to build and mere moments to shatter.

Trust is a vital part of society, we employ it each day without even knowing it. As with most things in life there are different levels of trust which I will get back to later.

Imagine these scenarios.

You drop your child off at daycare. You are trusting in the carers ability to look after your little bambino. Your eyes and ears are somewhere else. The care, the safety of your child is no longer with you. It is the carers job to look after your child but how do you know they are doing it? Trust.

You are celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, an engagement, a special moment with a meal at a restaurant. You are placing your trust in the chiefs ability to cook. You are placing trust in the cleaners ability to clean all the crockery, the knifes and folks, the tables. You are trusting the till clerk with your card when you pay. You don't naturally worry about any of these things because you trust.

You decide to hitch a ride to the beach with your friends. You and your friends are placing trust in the drivers ability to get you from A to B safely. Lets face it, you wouldn't want to be in a car with a blind person behind the wheel now would you? You have empowered the driver of the vehicle with your trust. You are going to be thinking that when you get in the car now aren't you?

Trust, its a powerful thing which comes naturally. Without it civilization as we know it collapses. You do not walk into the daycare and naturally think your child in going to be mistreated. The same way you don't walk into a restaurant and think the chief is going to serve you tainted food. You don't think the driver of the car you are in is going to crash. You don't need to think, you trust.

As you can see we trust people that we don't know all the time. How many of you here would trust a stranger with your car? Your house keys? Your money? Your life?

When we are placed in situations where the things we consider valuable are risk because they are in the hands of another we determine how trustworthy this person is. Naturally the people we know intimately are given more trust. So when you really think about it, we naturally place high levels of trust in our close family, our friends. Depending on your relationship with the individual you trust differently when the stakes are higher.

I am going to tell you that there is someone whom you can trust without reason, question, fear or doubt.

God. He created everything above us and below us. Everything we see is all His creation.

Read the verses below. Trust in God for He is the our shield, our protector.
"Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him" - Proverbs 30:5 KJV

Trust in God for He will deliver as promised.
"For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe." - 1 Timothy 4:10 KJV

Trust in God for nothing on this Earth can come close.
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." - Psalm 118:8 KJV
He loved us that much that He let His one and only Son die so we could live. Our children are so valuable, so precious to us, we cherish and love them. Now think of the pain He suffered, that He went through and He let it happen!!!

How can we not trust Him? He gave up everything He loved so that He might gain our love.

I for one trust in Him. I know that no matter what events have transpired, are happening or are to come He has been and will always be there for me. I love Him and He loves me.

The question I have, will you trust in Him?

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