God has been so good throughout the last several months!! Wayne and I met in December of 2011, and by January we knew that we were meant for each other. We started making plans and we were engaged on June 21st. It's one of those fairy tail stories, you know? We never would have met if God had not intervened, and I'm thankful every day that He did!
As Wayne is from England, we are currently waiting on his visa....so our wedding date is a ? It's not exactly what either of us want, but we both know that God knows best and we are both trusting Him. We are watching God do amazing things in both of our lives in the meantime, so I know that He is working things, just not how we would imagine they would be done.
But, on a more serious note, our relationship grows closer and more beautiful with each day that passes. I'm so thankful every day that we have both kept ourselves completely pure and waited for the right one. Our wedding ceremony will be the first time we have ever held hands or kissed, and I couldn't be happier. I've saved my heart for the man I'm going to marry and I'm glad. Wayne has done the same, and God has knit our hearts together in the most unbelievable way. Let me encourage you young girls to leave the dating alone and let God bring you your husband. After all, He made you, and He knows exactly what you need. I never would have thought that a man existed that truly was everything I needed and wanted until I met Wayne; God is amazing!! He blesses us beyond measure when we just trust Him and let Him have our lives. We are looking forward more each day to being married and living the rest of our lives together. Even though we have to be separated for a time, God has been good, and He knows just what we all need. He knows what you need too so trust Him!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Life is Crazy, but God is Good!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Mountain Moving Faith
Faith is a word so commonly used, but so often little understood. What is it, and how can we have it? I'll be honest with you, that's something I've struggled with for a long time! How can I just have faith that everything will always work out like it's supposed to? How can I have faith in people? How do I trust Someone with my life that I can't even see?
When different family member's schedules are colliding, or health problems attack, or I just don't see how the things I've been waiting patiently for are ever going to come to pass, that's when I have to have faith. That's when I have to believe that God has a master plan, and that there are answers that I can't always have right when I want them. He may give me an answer to some things now, others a little later, and some I may not get at all until I get to heaven....but you know what? It's ok. Because even though I may not get the answer now, He promised that He would never leave me or forsake me.
But those are just daily personal problems, what about interaction with other people?! I think that's where the most stress comes into play. Life would be totally easy if not for other people, right? Like that person that drives everybody crazy, but always seems to get everything they want in life.....or that someone that honked at you this morning on your way to work because you didn't start moving fast enough when the light turned green.....yeah, we all know that one. But what about when it's a family member or close friend that hurts you? What if it's someone you've spent hours talking to and hanging out with? What do you do, and how do you hold on to any kind of faith that it's going to be ok? I've had friends and close family members turn on me, and I can honestly say I don't have the all the answers I want. But I trust God, because He's never once failed me or anyone that's ever put their faith in Him. I didn't feel that I deserved to be hurt by that friend, and I'm sure you didn't either, but Jesus was hurt by a close friend too. I don't understand why some of my family members have turned on me, but where were Jesus's brothers when He was being beaten? What about when He died on the cross? I can't base my faith on what I can see, because that's constantly changing. People are always going to fail, we're only human, our health may not always be good, we may not always have the money we need, etc. We cannot see our loving Father, but He is the only One who never has, and never will, fail. He's been through everything we have, suffered as much pain as we can imagine, and did it just so we could have Someone to believe in and run to when we're at the end of ourselves and need help. "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2 KJV He's the only one that can get us through anything, and I've seen Him do it again and again. It's a big thing to put all your faith in Someone that you can't even see...."But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6 KJV If you put all your faith in God, He'll never let you down. He promised that if we have complete and total faith in Him, we can move mountains. "...for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." Matthew 17:20 KJV
God made us for a reason, and that is to honor and glorify Him. He doesn't expect anything from us that it's impossible for us to give. Faith is a small thing if you look at it on the grand scale of life; if you've never trusted Him first of all as your personal Lord and Saviour, why not today? He made it possible for us to have an easier life....not necessarily that our burden would be lighter than others' burdens, but that He will help us carry it. Simply put "...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..." Acts 16:31 KJV
Faith may not be an easy thing, but faith in God is definitely worth the effort. There will always be problems and heartaches, but He can give sweet peace through it all.
When different family member's schedules are colliding, or health problems attack, or I just don't see how the things I've been waiting patiently for are ever going to come to pass, that's when I have to have faith. That's when I have to believe that God has a master plan, and that there are answers that I can't always have right when I want them. He may give me an answer to some things now, others a little later, and some I may not get at all until I get to heaven....but you know what? It's ok. Because even though I may not get the answer now, He promised that He would never leave me or forsake me.
But those are just daily personal problems, what about interaction with other people?! I think that's where the most stress comes into play. Life would be totally easy if not for other people, right? Like that person that drives everybody crazy, but always seems to get everything they want in life.....or that someone that honked at you this morning on your way to work because you didn't start moving fast enough when the light turned green.....yeah, we all know that one. But what about when it's a family member or close friend that hurts you? What if it's someone you've spent hours talking to and hanging out with? What do you do, and how do you hold on to any kind of faith that it's going to be ok? I've had friends and close family members turn on me, and I can honestly say I don't have the all the answers I want. But I trust God, because He's never once failed me or anyone that's ever put their faith in Him. I didn't feel that I deserved to be hurt by that friend, and I'm sure you didn't either, but Jesus was hurt by a close friend too. I don't understand why some of my family members have turned on me, but where were Jesus's brothers when He was being beaten? What about when He died on the cross? I can't base my faith on what I can see, because that's constantly changing. People are always going to fail, we're only human, our health may not always be good, we may not always have the money we need, etc. We cannot see our loving Father, but He is the only One who never has, and never will, fail. He's been through everything we have, suffered as much pain as we can imagine, and did it just so we could have Someone to believe in and run to when we're at the end of ourselves and need help. "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2 KJV He's the only one that can get us through anything, and I've seen Him do it again and again. It's a big thing to put all your faith in Someone that you can't even see...."But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6 KJV If you put all your faith in God, He'll never let you down. He promised that if we have complete and total faith in Him, we can move mountains. "...for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." Matthew 17:20 KJV
God made us for a reason, and that is to honor and glorify Him. He doesn't expect anything from us that it's impossible for us to give. Faith is a small thing if you look at it on the grand scale of life; if you've never trusted Him first of all as your personal Lord and Saviour, why not today? He made it possible for us to have an easier life....not necessarily that our burden would be lighter than others' burdens, but that He will help us carry it. Simply put "...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..." Acts 16:31 KJV
Faith may not be an easy thing, but faith in God is definitely worth the effort. There will always be problems and heartaches, but He can give sweet peace through it all.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Trusting in Him
Trust. What is it? It is the reliance, the firm belief of someone or something, the willingness to act on the basis of the words, actions, and decisions of another.
The ability to trust is in each and everyone of us, it can take a lifetime to build and mere moments to shatter.
Trust is a vital part of society, we employ it each day without even knowing it. As with most things in life there are different levels of trust which I will get back to later.
Imagine these scenarios.
You drop your child off at daycare. You are trusting in the carers ability to look after your little bambino. Your eyes and ears are somewhere else. The care, the safety of your child is no longer with you. It is the carers job to look after your child but how do you know they are doing it? Trust.
You are celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, an engagement, a special moment with a meal at a restaurant. You are placing your trust in the chiefs ability to cook. You are placing trust in the cleaners ability to clean all the crockery, the knifes and folks, the tables. You are trusting the till clerk with your card when you pay. You don't naturally worry about any of these things because you trust.
You decide to hitch a ride to the beach with your friends. You and your friends are placing trust in the drivers ability to get you from A to B safely. Lets face it, you wouldn't want to be in a car with a blind person behind the wheel now would you? You have empowered the driver of the vehicle with your trust. You are going to be thinking that when you get in the car now aren't you?
Trust, its a powerful thing which comes naturally. Without it civilization as we know it collapses. You do not walk into the daycare and naturally think your child in going to be mistreated. The same way you don't walk into a restaurant and think the chief is going to serve you tainted food. You don't think the driver of the car you are in is going to crash. You don't need to think, you trust.
As you can see we trust people that we don't know all the time. How many of you here would trust a stranger with your car? Your house keys? Your money? Your life?
When we are placed in situations where the things we consider valuable are risk because they are in the hands of another we determine how trustworthy this person is. Naturally the people we know intimately are given more trust. So when you really think about it, we naturally place high levels of trust in our close family, our friends. Depending on your relationship with the individual you trust differently when the stakes are higher.
I am going to tell you that there is someone whom you can trust without reason, question, fear or doubt.
God. He created everything above us and below us. Everything we see is all His creation.
Read the verses below. Trust in God for He is the our shield, our protector.
Trust in God for He will deliver as promised.
Trust in God for nothing on this Earth can come close.
How can we not trust Him? He gave up everything He loved so that He might gain our love.
I for one trust in Him. I know that no matter what events have transpired, are happening or are to come He has been and will always be there for me. I love Him and He loves me.
The question I have, will you trust in Him?
The ability to trust is in each and everyone of us, it can take a lifetime to build and mere moments to shatter.
Trust is a vital part of society, we employ it each day without even knowing it. As with most things in life there are different levels of trust which I will get back to later.
Imagine these scenarios.
You drop your child off at daycare. You are trusting in the carers ability to look after your little bambino. Your eyes and ears are somewhere else. The care, the safety of your child is no longer with you. It is the carers job to look after your child but how do you know they are doing it? Trust.
You are celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, an engagement, a special moment with a meal at a restaurant. You are placing your trust in the chiefs ability to cook. You are placing trust in the cleaners ability to clean all the crockery, the knifes and folks, the tables. You are trusting the till clerk with your card when you pay. You don't naturally worry about any of these things because you trust.
You decide to hitch a ride to the beach with your friends. You and your friends are placing trust in the drivers ability to get you from A to B safely. Lets face it, you wouldn't want to be in a car with a blind person behind the wheel now would you? You have empowered the driver of the vehicle with your trust. You are going to be thinking that when you get in the car now aren't you?
Trust, its a powerful thing which comes naturally. Without it civilization as we know it collapses. You do not walk into the daycare and naturally think your child in going to be mistreated. The same way you don't walk into a restaurant and think the chief is going to serve you tainted food. You don't think the driver of the car you are in is going to crash. You don't need to think, you trust.
As you can see we trust people that we don't know all the time. How many of you here would trust a stranger with your car? Your house keys? Your money? Your life?
When we are placed in situations where the things we consider valuable are risk because they are in the hands of another we determine how trustworthy this person is. Naturally the people we know intimately are given more trust. So when you really think about it, we naturally place high levels of trust in our close family, our friends. Depending on your relationship with the individual you trust differently when the stakes are higher.
I am going to tell you that there is someone whom you can trust without reason, question, fear or doubt.
God. He created everything above us and below us. Everything we see is all His creation.
Read the verses below. Trust in God for He is the our shield, our protector.
"Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him" - Proverbs 30:5 KJV
Trust in God for He will deliver as promised.
"For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe." - 1 Timothy 4:10 KJV
Trust in God for nothing on this Earth can come close.
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." - Psalm 118:8 KJVHe loved us that much that He let His one and only Son die so we could live. Our children are so valuable, so precious to us, we cherish and love them. Now think of the pain He suffered, that He went through and He let it happen!!!
How can we not trust Him? He gave up everything He loved so that He might gain our love.
I for one trust in Him. I know that no matter what events have transpired, are happening or are to come He has been and will always be there for me. I love Him and He loves me.
The question I have, will you trust in Him?
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
The Path We Walk
Yesterday being a surprisingly warm day in the UK I rode my co-workers bicycle back home as I forgot my wallet, laptop and various other items that are located in my laptop bag. I rode on the pavement which was following a main road straight down, this was until it curved off into what is a large area of grass. I could see this path twisting and turning through this grassy area like a giant snake. I figured it would be quicker to continue straight and ride over the grass to the pavement on the other-side.
The grassy area was extremely hard to ride along, it was bumpy, filled with obstacles and took a lot more effort to ride over than the pavement. By the time I got to the other side I was really exhausted, this made the rest of the journey difficult. I rested when I got home, and boy did I need it. I thought about why I was so tired 'If only I took the path laid before me than carving my own route!!'.
I was now carrying more weight. I took the exact same route back to work until the point where I got to the large grassy area, this time around I took path laid before me. Although I did not time it, it felt like I got to the other-side quicker than when I went over the grass. The path was so easy to ride along, no bumps or obstacles; just nice smooth ground. When I joined back on to the pavement I was roaring along, I wasn't exhausted!
We all walk down the paths we choose in life, what we can fail to recognise is that all paths lead to the same great road. If we are to preoccupied with all these paths, these choices, we will never reach the road that leads to Him.
The grassy area was extremely hard to ride along, it was bumpy, filled with obstacles and took a lot more effort to ride over than the pavement. By the time I got to the other side I was really exhausted, this made the rest of the journey difficult. I rested when I got home, and boy did I need it. I thought about why I was so tired 'If only I took the path laid before me than carving my own route!!'.
I was now carrying more weight. I took the exact same route back to work until the point where I got to the large grassy area, this time around I took path laid before me. Although I did not time it, it felt like I got to the other-side quicker than when I went over the grass. The path was so easy to ride along, no bumps or obstacles; just nice smooth ground. When I joined back on to the pavement I was roaring along, I wasn't exhausted!
We all walk down the paths we choose in life, what we can fail to recognise is that all paths lead to the same great road. If we are to preoccupied with all these paths, these choices, we will never reach the road that leads to Him.
"Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established." - Proverbs 4:26 (KJV)We need to study the path that He has set before us and not deviate from it, even when another route looks quicker or easier. There are no shortcuts, only the willing will find their way.
239 Streetsbrook Rd, Solihull B91 1, UK
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Showing Compassion in the Face of Violence
It was a year on Friday 16th of December 2011 that I lost a very dear friend of mine to the Lord at the tender age of twenty nine. I had work as normal but I had been up most of the night, so I got up slightly late. As I left I did what I always did. I put my headphones into my phone and started playing music. I then headed off to the bus stop.
On the bus I was very fidgety, constantly going from song to song. Nothing I found I could listen to more than a few moments of. A man moved seats from behind me and sat next to me, even though there were many free seats. He then tapped me on my shoulder, so I took out one of my earphones. He told me he wanted my phone, my bag and all my money. He then pulled out a knife and said "Don't make me use it.".
I looked into his eyes, and down at his trembling hand holding this large flip knife. I told him "No, for two reasons. Firstly my phone although insured has pictures of my dead friend, secondly it is the anniversary of his death today.".
I then told him "My laptop is in my bag and houses irreplaceable pictures that I will never be able to get back, also the laptop was once his.".
Put simply I said, "You are not getting anything from me. This is not the right way to obtain money, you need to get a job.". Knife still out, his hand still trembling, I could see he didn't know what to say or do. I put my headphone back into my ear and continued listening. After about ten minutes of ignoring this guy who I could see still had his knife out on me, I took out both of my headphones and put them away.
This was the longest ten minutes of my life to date. I felt a range of emotions, sorrow, fear, anger, sympathy and ultimately forgiveness. I wasn't in the best of moods because of the day and then here I had a guy holding me at knife point demanding my possessions. I felt an inkling to retaliate, to fight back. There was at least fifteen people on the top floor of the bus, we could have easily taken him by force. However I choose not to go down that road as I or more importantly another could easily have gotten stabbed or even killed, and that will be on me.
As much as I wasn't in control of the situation I was, because I was in control of myself. Instead of letting my emotions rule me, I ruled them. The fear and anger I felt subsided and I felt a deep sense of sympathy. This guy looked no older than twenty and looked lost and scared. His hand was trembling. Although I noticed this earlier all that was running through my mind was the knife. I failed to see the most important sign but I could see it so clearly now. His hand was trembling. Now is that the reaction you would get from someone who mugs others for a living?
I seen in front of me not a mugger or thief but a young, scared, desperate man who had lost his way. The fact he had a knife no longer mattered to me.
I looked deep into myself and did the only thing I knew to be right.
I turned to him and said "Since you are not going anywhere and I am not going anywhere we might as well get to know each other.". I took out my hand and placed it toward his free hand and told him "My names Wayne. Pleased to meet you.". He took my hand and said his name was also funnily Wayne.
We talked, I told him I was one of ten siblings, he was one of six. He ended up telling me how he had just been released from prison, it was coming up to Christmas and that he had no money. He wanted to buy his newborn son something, whom he missed the birth of. He didn't even have enough money to help his girlfriend pay for heating, or food. He proceeded to show me pictures of his newborn son on his phone.
He said he has tried looking for a job but nobody wants to employ someone who has been in prison and that his pride will not allow him to go on welfare.
I told him welfare is a better life than stealing from others. I work day and night for the things I have and nobody has the right to take what belongs to another. I told him if he continues he will end up back in prison and his son will be without a Dad. I highlighted this fact by pointing to two cameras on the bus.
He then started to get nervous, I could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes. I told him of a place in our city centre where I knew he could get a job as my younger brother just started there and they were actively seeking new workers. All he needed to do was hold a sign. They paid above the national minimum wage and was very flexible with the hours.
He asked where it was so I explained. I told him what buses he needed to catch and where he needed to get off. I knew he would have trouble getting to work if he did hopefully get the job so I reached into my pocket, took out my wallet and gave him money. I told him he could get a months bus pass for that.
He then asked me if I was going to call the police on him, I told him "No". When he asked why I told him "I didn't want to see him locked up for Christmas". I also told him to never brandish that knife again. I got off the bus as it was the end of our journey. I told him I'll show him where to catch the bus he needs and walked with him to the next bus stop.
He apologized for everything and thanked me saying "I was the nicest guy he has ever met.". I thanked him and told him hopefully we don't meet again in such fashion. We then parted ways.
If I had chosen a different path, the picture painted above could have been so much different. Never underestimate acts of love and compassion not matter how simple or complex they are. They can change the course of a persons life.
I am only here blogging about this very subject because of an act of pure love and compassion that happened over 2,000 years ago, and one that will always be felt.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" John 3:16 KJV
I say to you all, when you are oppressed, beaten, humiliated or threatened make the hardest choice and walk the longer road by showing unconditional love. For this is the road to our Lord and the Kingdom of Heaven. For it is God's will that all men be saved.
"Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2:4 KJV
Friday, March 2, 2012
Comfort in Loss
Hours ago I attended the funeral of my aunt and uncle whom were murdered in their own home on 11th January 2012. It shocked the local community and made headlines both in the UK and abroad. This was the first real test of my Christian faith.
This was potentially a very difficult time for me, not only because of the manner in which they died but because of all the hurt, pain and sorrow I could see around me. However my resolve in the Lord did not falter for He promise’s comfort to all those who seek Him.
This was potentially a very difficult time for me, not only because of the manner in which they died but because of all the hurt, pain and sorrow I could see around me. However my resolve in the Lord did not falter for He promise’s comfort to all those who seek Him.
"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved" - Psalm 55:22 KJVThe poem below called "Footprints in the Sand" by Mary Stevenson reminds us that even when it looks as if He has abandoned us during our times of need, it couldn't be further from the truth.
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.When the people we love and care about depart this life we mourn there passing. Jesus spoke of mourning when he held a sermon on the mountainside.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"
The Lord replied,
"The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints,
is when I carried you."
"Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." - Matthew 5:4 KJVFor even Jesus mourned the passing of his friend Lazarus when he died. Lazarus's death troubled him greatly when he saw Lazarus's sister Mary weeping and a multitude of others wailing with her. Those who believe in Him will not perish but have eternal life for He is the way.
"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?" - John 11:25-26 KJVIf you establish the Lord with all your heart and soul there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
The Beginning of Forever
Everyone comes to a point in their life where they have to make a decision, a crossroads you could call it. One road is very well traveled; it can bring you happiness, pleasure, friends, whatever you want. At the end of that road you will have to pay a toll though, it is not free.
The other road is much less traveled, it looks to be almost deserted, and is not the one most people will look at and choose to take. These two roads both bring their own measure of happiness, it's the price you pay at the end that differs.
Our lives should explain these different roads to you, and you can choose based on our experiences which one you would prefer to take.
I was not always a Christian, none of us begin that way. I asked Jesus to save me in July 2003, and it's the best decision I ever made in my life. I chose to take the road less traveled, yes, but one of peace, with my toll at the end of the road paid for by Jesus Christ. Bad things had happened up to that point, and bad things have happened since, but I don't have to walk alone. Jesus promised that He would never leave me or forsake me when I became His, and He never has. I can look back and see that all the things that have happened have been shaping me into the person God wants me to be. I'm so glad I trusted Him and never gave up. If I had, I would have missed out on the most precious thing in my life, my special someone. If I had chosen the popular road, I wouldn't have been in the right place at the right time, and everything would be different right now.
Just a short time ago I met a wonderful man, (if you've read his blog on this page, you know that to be true) He was hurting, and when he told me more about his life, I understood why. I wanted to help him any way I could, but I knew Jesus was the ultimate answer. I told him about God, but he knew all about Him already, so I just decided to be there for him and be a friend. I started praying for him, that he would let go and let God. A couple of friends joined me in prayer, and it wasn't long before we saw some results. God knit our hearts together in a way after Wayne's salvation that I never thought was possible. We look forward to the best future possible now: eternity with God and each other. The question I have now is 'what if?' What if I had made one decision slightly different, if I had said I'm tired in the hard times, if I hadn't cared enough to help someone who was hurting? I would not only have hurt myself, but I also would have hurt the now most important person on earth to me.
So yes, the road you choose does matter, not only to you and your eternity, but also to the people in your life that you will or will not affect.....it's all in your hands. Choose carefully, it will be the beginning of your forever.
The other road is much less traveled, it looks to be almost deserted, and is not the one most people will look at and choose to take. These two roads both bring their own measure of happiness, it's the price you pay at the end that differs.
Our lives should explain these different roads to you, and you can choose based on our experiences which one you would prefer to take.
I was not always a Christian, none of us begin that way. I asked Jesus to save me in July 2003, and it's the best decision I ever made in my life. I chose to take the road less traveled, yes, but one of peace, with my toll at the end of the road paid for by Jesus Christ. Bad things had happened up to that point, and bad things have happened since, but I don't have to walk alone. Jesus promised that He would never leave me or forsake me when I became His, and He never has. I can look back and see that all the things that have happened have been shaping me into the person God wants me to be. I'm so glad I trusted Him and never gave up. If I had, I would have missed out on the most precious thing in my life, my special someone. If I had chosen the popular road, I wouldn't have been in the right place at the right time, and everything would be different right now.
Just a short time ago I met a wonderful man, (if you've read his blog on this page, you know that to be true) He was hurting, and when he told me more about his life, I understood why. I wanted to help him any way I could, but I knew Jesus was the ultimate answer. I told him about God, but he knew all about Him already, so I just decided to be there for him and be a friend. I started praying for him, that he would let go and let God. A couple of friends joined me in prayer, and it wasn't long before we saw some results. God knit our hearts together in a way after Wayne's salvation that I never thought was possible. We look forward to the best future possible now: eternity with God and each other. The question I have now is 'what if?' What if I had made one decision slightly different, if I had said I'm tired in the hard times, if I hadn't cared enough to help someone who was hurting? I would not only have hurt myself, but I also would have hurt the now most important person on earth to me.
So yes, the road you choose does matter, not only to you and your eternity, but also to the people in your life that you will or will not affect.....it's all in your hands. Choose carefully, it will be the beginning of your forever.
The Start
I have not always had the faith I now have in our Lord and saviour. I have always believed in God even though I am a man of science. It's just I have found it extremely difficult to understand why He has let the things that have happened, happen.
God is all around us, all we need to do is open our eyes, ears and heart.
His words have the the knowledge, the wisdom to help us in every situation we face. Each and every verse has a message, a meaning that He wants us to know. These messages can be applied to all areas of our life, we need only take time to understand what has been said rather than read it like an ordinary book.
I use the word ordinary for the Bible is not an 'ordinary' book. Take a moment to sit back and remember all the high's and lows, all the pain, the happiness, everything that you can possibly remember that has defined you as person.
Ask yourself this, 'How many times have you wished for an answer, or guidance?'.
There is guidance and answers for all situations through His words, all you need to do is take the time to read.
I implore you to humble yourself as He humbled Himself by dying on the cross for our sins. As you can see below His words mention both of these things, we need only seek Him!
I wouldn't say I am or have been a bad person but looking back and knowing what I know now, I can see there have been many a time when I could have handled situations better or even avoided them completely.
I have grown both physically, mentally and spiritually since. The verse below explains how I was and now am perfectly.
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." - 1 Corinthians 13:11 KJVI have not been saved long. It was only on the 30th of December 2011 I asked our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ for forgiveness, at the age of twenty four. It took someone really special to save me and I am forever thankful that He sent her into my life.
God is all around us, all we need to do is open our eyes, ears and heart.
His words have the the knowledge, the wisdom to help us in every situation we face. Each and every verse has a message, a meaning that He wants us to know. These messages can be applied to all areas of our life, we need only take time to understand what has been said rather than read it like an ordinary book.
I use the word ordinary for the Bible is not an 'ordinary' book. Take a moment to sit back and remember all the high's and lows, all the pain, the happiness, everything that you can possibly remember that has defined you as person.
Ask yourself this, 'How many times have you wished for an answer, or guidance?'.
There is guidance and answers for all situations through His words, all you need to do is take the time to read.
I implore you to humble yourself as He humbled Himself by dying on the cross for our sins. As you can see below His words mention both of these things, we need only seek Him!
"For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." - Luke 14:11
"And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." - Philippians 2:8 KJVGod is love and He is ALWAYS with you!!!
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